Thursday, March 17, 2016

SOL #17

"Welcome to the little mermaid," I hear Kelly say.
The blue lights backstage hit my face as I stand with the cast and crew.
Everyone is shifting weight between their feet, and smiling at each other
Nervousness is soon taken over my excitement when
"Enjoy the show!" is yelled, and everyone gets ready for the first scene.
I run back into the gym, my tall black boots echoing
Watching the crappy projector view, the first scene unfolds.
Lots of stress and running, but nothing breaks
Scenes change faster than before, costumes slide on, and lines are delivered better than before.
My hard work on the boat and ocean seem to have payed off,
I hear the audience applaud
And laugh
And pride fills me up, as I dance along backstage.
Nice job everyone!


  1. are you on stage craft? the set sounds amazing!

  2. are you on stage craft? the set sounds amazing!

  3. I remember this, I was so excited/nervous, I was skipping next to the prop table. Nice slice, you captured the moment really well!
