Thursday, March 31, 2016

Last SOL

It's my last SOL so it better be good. 
It's my last SOL and I think it should.

So far I have come with these slices of life.
Oh, what a wild life.

but here I go:

When 2 people are in a narrow hallway and they both want to go around but they step to the same side each time.

The rainbow twirls out the open window as my thoughts slip away and all I think is One... Two... Three...

the squeaking of breaks, little red lights

I'm sitting on the floor and fall over, exasperated. This is hopeless! 

Your fiction, why does every twist and turn wrench my heart out. 

Cause your a sky, cause your a sky full of stars, I'm gonna give you my heart

But then I land and sit under a tree. My head on a shoulder, Finally.

It should be happy, the first rehearsal but all I feel is stress. 

My hair whips in the wind. My throat burns from running. First Practice

Mix worry, fear, and terror in large metal bowl. Make sure you whisk very fast, as stress accumulates quickly.

That feeling when you make the whole class laugh

Wind pushes my hair back and my shirt flits around my body. Tears form in my eyes from wind pushing against them and my legs ache. 

I feel like I'm on top of the world, A feeling I almost never get

Pi(e) is a wonderful thing

I frantically run around backstage, for the first time.

Watching Netflix and writing this

The blue lights backstage hit my face as I stand with the cast and crew. Everyone is shifting weight between their feet, and smiling at each other

Trying to answer weird questions. Trying not to disappoint anyone. Trying not to be scared

My mom: please tell me you didn't write about my fat feet, you really have no respect for my dignity

Monday is tomorrow and that means school, school is tomorrow and that means work.

0.000575342 Centuries

Does god think all my mistakes are good for me? Why don't they ever stop me? They should stop me from making mistakes. I guess some, sure. But others are things that if god or angels existed they would have stopped me from doing. So, no, I dont believe.

Flakes of snow land on my eyelashes and make it hard to see,

footsteps echo in empty driveways 

The world looks so different, but its all inside a little cardboard box. 

 My and my friend squealed when the lights went down, finally able to see it. 

Blocks and pinching fingers, sitting at my dining room table, 

Music floods through me, pouring into me. It activates every little corner of my brain. It brings up memories, and emotions as it floods into me.

Oh please make up your mind, dear weather. Please just decide.

Bibble - to drink often; to eat and/or drink noisily

That was 31 days of my life.
31 days where I wrote something, 

31 days of slicing.
Good job to whoever did it all!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

SOL #30

Weird words:

Aa - a type of lava that forms foamed and pointed peaks
Bibble - to drink often; to eat and/or drink noisily
Cudbear - a purple powder used for dying
Doodle sack - old English word for bagpipe
Ericaceous - of, pertaining to, or resembling a hedgehog
Impignorate – to pawn or mortgage something
Jentacular - pertaining to breakfast
Kakorrhaphiophobia - fear of failure
Macrosmatic – having a good sense of smell
Nudiustertian - the day before yesterday
Peely-wally  - Scottish for looking pale and unwell
Tittynope - a small quantity of something left over
Ulotrichous - having wooly or crispy hair
Winklepickler - style of shoe or boot in the 1950s with a sharp and long pointed toe
Xertz - to gulp down quickly and greedily
Yarborough – hand of cards containing no card above a nine
Zoanthropy - delusion of a person who believes himself changed into an animal

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

SOL #29

Oh please make up your mind, dear weather.
Please just decide.
You made it snow, then rain, then shine,
but please dear weather make up your mind!
I just want the sun now,
I just want the spring,
But I know it could snow tomorrow,
But I know it could rain.
But please just make up your mind, dear weather,
Oh please just decide,
I don't know if I can take the waiting 
For the sun to shine.
Can you just stop the snow, or make it constant?
Can you just start the sun, or just keep having winter.
The groundhog saw its shadow
We are supposed to have spring.
Oh please make up your mind, dear weather

Monday, March 28, 2016

SOL #28

I lean back and put my headphones over my ears.

Music floods through me, pouring into me. It activates every little corner of my brain. It brings up memories, and emotions as it floods into my. It fills my soul with sounds. My toe taps on the floor. My head bobs along quietly. The voices creep through my ears, singing words that probably mean a lot to the person singing them. My heart seems to beat with the music and it makes me feel alive. The song makes me sad and happy at the same tie. Somehow I am able to put my own meaning into these words. The familiar humming pulses against my brain, as I turn it louder. I don't care if people care hear my music as it flows through me, a wave of emotion and meaning. Music makes me think differently. It clears my head and brings my energy. I click my curser to rewind the song I have been listening to over and over this whole break. Over and over, the same song, somehow making me sad, happy, and nervous all at once, but it is wonderful.. Over and over, familiar pounding against my ears, transforming the world. I slip away into the music, into my new favorite song.

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Block and pinching fingers, sitting at my dining room table, as I help my 5-year old cousin with Legos. It was his birthday present and they are minecraft legos. We just colored eggs, and my hands are covered in blue food dye. The "easter bunny" came and my cousin found the eggs, hidden in my living room. Happy easter!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

SOL #26

I finally actually managed to see allegiant. My and my friend squealed when the lights went down, finally able to see it. My favorite series, favorite book. Finally, i saw the movie. It was heart wrenching, stressful, and awesome. The graphics were cool, and the actors was great. Shoutout to sheo <3 (for those of you who don't know, thats Shailene Woodley and Theo James.) I love the books, i can't tell you how much I love them :) I cannot wait for Allegiant part 2,  Ok, I just realized that it got a 10% salt but quite frankly I don't care at all. It was wonderful and I loved it.

Friday, March 25, 2016

SOL #25

Virtual Reality
A different word surrounds me, I look around and see
A river
I look up and around and follow all the little arrows. The world looks so different, but its all inside a little cardboard box. I'm actually staring at a wall, but it looks like a forest. I can't move, and the view is slightly pixelated but super, super cool. I can look anywhere and see a new view. This was super cool!